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The Academy, CAEPS, and CMA Work With PAQC to Stymie Optometric Surgery Bill

From the Academy Washington Report Express 8/15/2013:

Efforts this week by California ophthalmologists were key to removing a dangerous optometric surgery scope-expansion bill (SB 492) from further consideration in the 2013 state legislative session. The California Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, the Academy and the California Medical Association, working in partnership with the Coalition for Patient Access and Quality of Care, educated lawmakers about the threats to patient safety and quality of care posed by the bill. If enacted, optometrists would have had the authority to perform certain laser and scalpel eye surgeries by simply completing a 32-hour course designed by the California State Board of Optometry. The optometry legislation was one of three scope-expansion bills introduced this year to meet alleged physician shortages that proponents claim will be a result of implementation of the federal health care reform law. Bills to expand the scope of practice for pharmacists and nurse practitioners continue to be considered in the Assembly. Ophthalmology and optometry are expected to meet this fall, per the request of Assemblywoman Susan Bonilla, chair of the Committee on Business, Professions and Consumer Protection, to continue to look at issues associated with SB 492. The advocacy success in California demonstrates the importance of having a strong state society and Surgical Scope Fund – ophthalmology’s leading tool to combat optometric surgery initiatives that assists states with vital resources. Academy members are urged to join their state societies, as well as make a confidential contribution to the Surgical Scope Fund today, in order to continue to educate lawmakers about the risks bills such as California’s SB 492 pose to patients. Discuss ophthalmology’s efforts to protect patients from dangerous optometric surgery initiatives on the AAO Eye on Advocacy Blog.

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