Risk Management


Welcome to OMIC’s Practice Administration risk management resource library, a comprehensive collection of loss prevention and patient safety resources for ophthalmic practices.

Our resources for Practice Administration include model consent forms, risk management articles, closed claim studies, and recommendation and procedure guides.

Articles (133)

2018 August Bulletin: OMIC CyberNET

2018 December Bulletin: Service Animals

2018 July Bulletin: Comanagement

2018 October Bulletin: Social Media

2018 September Bulletin: ED & After-Hours Calls

A “Watchful Eye” on ROP

Americans with Disabilities Act May Impact Physicians' Medical Decisions

Ancillary Personnel Should Know Their Limits When Screening Patients

Anesthesia and Sedation Risks and Precautions

Are Patients Who Chose Premium IOLs a Malpractice Risk?

Assuring Safe Passage Through the Healthcare System

Before You Say Goodbye

Bilateral LASIK? Not on My Patients!

Boost Practice Efficiency: Productivity, Liability and the Technician

Bridging Language Barriers

Call early, call often: Benefits of proactive incident reporting

Charting the Perils of LASIK Comanagement

Choosing Defense Counsel

Choosing the Right Professional Liability Carrier for Your Integrated Practice

Close Door On Liability

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing: Watch Out for Marketing Liability

Collegial Criticism and the Courtroom

Collegial Criticism Could Land You in Court

Comanagement FL specific- Consent and Patient Transfer Letter

Comanaging Refractive Surgery Patients (Part 1)

Comanaging Refractive Surgery Patients (Part 2)

Comanaging Refractive Surgery Patients (Part 3)

Coumadin and Ocular Anesthesia

Criticism Aimed at Colleagues Can Prompt Malpractice Litigation

Debunking the Exploding Cataract: Why You Shouldn't Sell Surgery

Defending Claims, Selecting Counsel

Documentation Issues in Paper & Electronic Records

Don't Ever Alter Records in an Attempt to Change Facts

Dos and Don'ts Following Notice of a Claim

Entities at Risk for Professional Liability Claims, Too

Entity Coverage

Ethical and Risk Management Issues Related to Advertising and Marketing

Evaluating Competency, Handling Incompetency

Eye on OMIC: LASIK, PRK Study Identifies Malpractice Predictors

Eyes, Lies and Malingerers

Eyes, Lies and Videotape

Faulty A-Scan Readings Present Potential Liability

Fear and Loathing of Malpractice Litigation

Forensic Consulting: From Immunity to Liability

Group Policies

Hidden Costs of Non-Traditional Revenue Sources

Hold Harmless Clauses May Increase Physician's Liability

Honesty is the Best Policy When Things Don’t Go Well

How to Channel Your Anger into Winning Your Claim

How to Handle a Deposition: Advice from an OMIC Defense Attorney

How to Survive a Malpractice Lawsuit and Emerge Stronger

How to Survive A Malpractice Suit

If You Are Accused of Medical Malpractice...

In-Office Lasers: You Could Get Burned

Informed Consent and Elective Procedures

Informed Consent for Minor Patients

Informed Consent for Refractive Surgery

Informed Consent Revisited

Informed Consent: A Process, Not Just a Legality

Informing Patients About Your Surgical Experience

Insuring Refractive Surgery: Liability Risks

Keep Track of Those After-Hours Phone Calls

Large Loss Indemnity Payments and Limits of Professional Liability

Leasing Equipment, Space or Employees

Lessons from the Fraud and Abuse Wars

Liability Risks Associated with PRK and the Excimer Laser

Making Your Office Safe

Managed Care Gatekeepers and Your Potential Liability

Managed Care Systems and Physician Liability

March 2021 Bulletin: HIPAA Safe Harbor For Cybersecurity Act- HR7898 – HHS Incentives For Cybersecurity Efforts By Your Practice

Medical Board Investigations Should Not be Faced Alone

Medical Information and the Internet

Mentally Incompetent Patients Pose Informed Consent Challenge

Message from the Chairman

Minimize the Risks of Patient Co-Management in Managed Care Plans

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Informed Consent

New Liability Exposures and Insurance Needs for Managed Health Care Providers

No-Shows and Other Acts of Noncompliance

No-Shows Can Spell Trouble for Attending Ophthalmologists

Nonmedical Issues in Claims Against Ophthalmologists

Obtaining Consent on the Day of Surgery

OMIC Launches Social Network

OMIC's Trial Record Favors Ophthalmologists

Ophthalmologists Learn Why Patients Sue

Patient Education Check-Up Project

Practical Approaches to Informed Consent in Ophthalmic Practice

Practice Pitfalls of the Consulting Physician

Practicing Beyond One's Expertise: The Road to a Lawsuit

Pressure for Early Discharge? Case History Points to Physician Liability

Presurgical Checklists Promote Good Documentation Practices

Proper Office Techniques Can Offer a Strong Defense in Malpractice Cases

Questions About Medical Record Retention

Red Flags Rule, HITECH/HIPAA Obligations, and RAC Audits

Refractive Claims Up, Payouts Remain Low

Reporting Requirements of the National Practitioner Data Bank

Resident Supervision

Responding to a HIPAA Privacy Violation Alleging Improper Disposal of Records

Reviewing Preoperative Tests and Studies

Risk Management Begins with the First Phone Call

Risk Management Concerns of Satellite Offices

Risk Management Is Not Just for Physicians; All Personnel Should Know Their Limits and Duties

Risk Management Issues in the New Managed Care Environment

ROP Case Defines Legal Duty of Care to Patients

Safe Medical Devices Act: Reporting Requirements and Risk Management Concerns

Some Legal and Insurance Issues Regarding Retirement

Substance Abuse and the Physician at Risk

Surfers, Charlatans and Teleophthalmology

Surviving the Aftershocks of Malpractice Litigation

Telemedicine: How to Mitigate Liability Risk

Teleophthalmology Across the Miles

Telephone Screening as a Risk-Reduction Tool

Ten Steps to Ensure that On-Call Coverage Doesn't Put Your Patient on Hold

The Expansion Team

The Impact of a Claim on Your OMIC Policy

The Psychological and Emotional Impact of Being Sued

The Risks and Benefits of Malpractice Litigation

The Role and Way of the Expert Witness

The Role of the Expert Witness

Thinking About Retirement? Read This.

Time Sensitive Conditions and Errors in Diagnosis

Timely Referrals: Reducing Your Risk

Trends in the Duty of Informed Consent

Understanding the Basic Rules of Advertising

Webinar Series: Ophthalmology Staff Role in Reducing Risk of Malpractice Claims

What Is Medical Malpractice?

When a Claim Is Filed: Good Documentation Is Your Best Defense

When Managed Care Systems Want Your Patient Records

When Should You Call The Claims Department?

When to Report "Free Servicing" of Patients to Data Bank

Who Can I Talk To?

Will FDA Regulations Preempt Personal Injury Suits?

Will Practice Guidelines Provide Malpractice Defense?

Wrongful Death Claims: Tragic, Complex, and Expensive

Practice Issues (112)

A “Watchful Eye” on ROP

Access to an EHR System While On-Call

Advertising Premium IOLs

Advertising Services

Allegation of Consumer Deception Following Flap Complication

Amblyopia Risk Reduction: Download Recommendations, Treatment Agreement, and Referral Report

Americans with Disabilities Act May Impact Physicians' Medical Decisions

Ancillary Personnel Should Know Their Limits When Screening Patients

Anesthesia and Sedation Risks and Precautions

Apologies and Insurance Coverage

Are Patients Who Chose Premium IOLs a Malpractice Risk?

Assuring Safe Passage Through the Healthcare System

Before You Say Goodbye

Boost Practice Efficiency: Productivity, Liability and the Technician

Botox and Filler Recommendations

Bridging Language Barriers

Brief Vision Exam

Cataract Surgery Interval

Cataract Surgery Recommendations

Charges of Abandonment by Noncompliant Patient

Charting the Perils of LASIK Comanagement

Checklist for Risk Analysis of Unapproved Devices

Choosing the Right Professional Liability Carrier for Your Integrated Practice

Clarification of Roles During the Informed Consent Process

Close Door On Liability

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing: Watch Out for Marketing Liability

Collegial Criticism and the Courtroom

Collegial Criticism Could Land You in Court

Comanaging Refractive Surgery Patients (Part 1)

Comanaging Refractive Surgery Patients (Part 2)

Comanaging Refractive Surgery Patients (Part 3)

Competency Reviews and Discussions

Contact Lens Prescriptions- Patient Forms

Cooperation Essential as Physicians Leave a Practice

Cosmetic Treatment by Technician Results in Fine and Suspended License for Medical Director

Coumadin and Ocular Anesthesia

Coverage for Medical Spa Liabilities

Coverage for Optometrists

Coverage for Use of Premium IOLs

Criticism Aimed at Colleagues Can Prompt Malpractice Litigation

Debunking the Exploding Cataract: Why You Shouldn't Sell Surgery

Delay in Performance of Retinal Detachment Surgery and Associated Nonmedical Issues

Delayed Diagnosis of Endophthalmitis Following Cataract Surgery

Differential Diagnosis: Develop and Disclose It

Dilating Drops: Patient Safety and Liability Risks

Documentation Issues in Paper & Electronic Records

Don't Ever Alter Records in an Attempt to Change Facts

EMTALA Overview for Ophthalmologists

Endophthalmitis/TASS Investigation Protocol

Entity Coverage

Ethical and Risk Management Issues Related to Advertising and Marketing

Eye History Form

Eye on OMIC: LASIK, PRK Study Identifies Malpractice Predictors

Fear and Loathing of Malpractice Litigation


History and Physical Form

Hold Harmless Clauses May Increase Physician's Liability

Identify and Manage Preoperative Causes of Wrong IOL Placement

Improving the Accuracy of Electronic Health Records

In-Office Lasers: You Could Get Burned

Informed Consent and Elective Procedures

Informed Consent for Minor Patients

Informed Consent for Refractive Surgery

Informed Consent Revisited

Informed Consent: A Process, Not Just a Legality

Informing Patients About Your Surgical Experience

Insuring Refractive Surgery: Liability Risks

Issues Associated with Therapeutic Optometry

Liability Risks Associated with PRK and the Excimer Laser

Limited Eye Exam Form

LLCs and Entity Liability

Managed Care Gatekeepers and Your Potential Liability

Managed Care Systems and Physician Liability

Managing Medical Emergencies in the Office

Medical Record Audit Form

Medical Record Requests

Mentally Incompetent Patients Pose Informed Consent Challenge

Minimize the Risks of Patient Co-Management in Managed Care Plans

Most Frequently Asked Questions About Informed Consent

New Liability Exposures and Insurance Needs for Managed Health Care Providers

No-Shows and Other Acts of Noncompliance

Obtaining Consent on the Day of Surgery

Ophthalmologists’ Liability for the Actions of CRNAs

Patient Education Check-Up Project

Payment Issues: Avoid Delays in Treatment

Practical Application of HIPAA Privacy Rules (Part 1)

Practical Application of HIPAA Privacy Rules (Part 2)

Practical Approaches to Informed Consent in Ophthalmic Practice

Pressure for Early Discharge? Case History Points to Physician Liability

Proper Office Techniques Can Offer a Strong Defense in Malpractice Cases

Reduce Your Risk of a Refractive Surgery Claim

Referral Form for Patient and Physician

Refunds, Fee Waivers and Payments

Release of Medical Records

Responding to “Dear Healthcare Provider” Letters

Risk Management Concerns of Satellite Offices

Risk Management Issues in the New Managed Care Environment

Special Testing Documentation Aids

Telephone Screening as a Risk-Reduction Tool

Test Management System is Key to Prompt Diagnosis

The Expansion Team

The Ophthalmologist's Role in Emergency Care: On-Call and Follow-up Duties Under EMTALA

Tracking Referrals and Test Results

Trends in the Duty of Informed Consent

Understanding the Basic Rules of Advertising

Use an Unusual Event to Reduce Entity Liability

Uveitis - Specific History Form

What May I Safely Delegate?

When Managed Care Systems Want Your Patient Records

Who Can Perform Preop History & Physical Exams?

Who's On Call?

Wrongful Death Claims: Tragic, Complex, and Expensive

Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America.

Leader in the industry.

A-rated by AM Best, OMIC is consistently ranked among the top malpractice insurance companies in America for financial stability. No other carrier has matched OMIC's consistent financial performance with regard to both combined, operating, and surplus ratios, the most relevant financial measurements for an insurance carrier.