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  • Washington Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons (WAEPS) Members Earn Discount for Attending OMIC Course

    OMIC and the Washington Academy of Eye Phsyicians and Surgeons (WAEPS) have maintained a cooperative venture in education since 2002. Members of WAEPS earn a special premium discount of 10% for attending the live seminar conducted at the WAEPS annual meeting. For more information on this upcoming course see: OMIC-WAEPS 2013 Course For more information on the OMIC-DAO partnership, see: […]

  • Growing Acceptance of Medical and Recreational Use of Marijuana Presents Coverage Concerns for Ophthalmologists

    California became the first state to allow marijuana use for medical reasons in 1996. Since then, nearly twenty other states and the District of Columbia have approved similar legislation and in 2012 two states, Washington and Colorado, approved recreational use of small quantities of the drug. Several interesting questions are raised as physicians, especially ophthalmologists, […]

  • OMIC Enters into Educational Alliance with Mississippi Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons

    This cooperative venture, OMIC’s 44th partnership, will significantly reduce malpractice premiums for MAEPS members by offering an additional discount for attending an OMIC risk management event. CME credit is available for some courses. For more information on malpractice premium indications, contact Deena Mader at OMIC, 800-562-6642, ext. 628. Visit the OMIC-MAEPS Partner Page for details of this […]

  • See OMIC’s Resources for Electronic and Social Media Liability

    Social networking sites provide a quick and convenient way to disseminate news about your life and your practice. Whether you want to announce a new procedure or drug offered by your practice, conduct a seminar to identify and educate candidates about procedures such as LASIK, or advertise special offers to entice new potential patients, social […]
