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  • Revised Patient Notification Recommendations

    Policyholders report spending more time and money dealing with missed appointments and noncompliant patients. We know from claims experience that documentation of efforts to notify and educate patients about the risks of no shows and refused treatment are key to both patient safety and to a successful defense of a malpractice claim. Plaintiff attorneys who […]

  • Pennsylvania Court Sides With Hospitals and Doctors on Malpractice Fund

    Copyright 2013 Associated Press: A state court overruled Pennsylvania’s top insurance regulator in a decision made public Monday, siding with hospital officials and doctors who said a supplemental medical malpractice insurance fund is keeping too much of their money. Commonwealth Court’s 5-2 ruling directed Insurance Commissioner Michael Consedine to recalculate assessments levied on health care […]

  • New OMIC HIPAA Business Agreement in Final Stages of Legal Review

    OMIC is performing the final legal review of the updated business associates agreement to comply with the changes to HIPAA Privacy laws effective September 23, 2013. It has not yet been finalized. The new agreement will be posted and policyholders will be notified prior to the deadline. Please see the following free resources if you […]

  • The Academy, CAEPS, and CMA Work With PAQC to Stymie Optometric Surgery Bill

    From the Academy Washington Report Express 8/15/2013: Efforts this week by California ophthalmologists were key to removing a dangerous optometric surgery scope-expansion bill (SB 492) from further consideration in the 2013 state legislative session. The California Academy of Eye Physicians and Surgeons, the Academy and the California Medical Association, working in partnership with the Coalition for Patient […]
