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Resource Library

The Resource Library is a compendium of consent forms, risk management recommendations, sample documents, articles, and other risk management materials to promote ophthalmic patient safety and reduce liability. Contact with questions.
Found 48 resources.
Apr 4, 2016 | Consent Form
...abnormal blood vessels stop growing, the retina stays attached, and the central vision is preserved. Laser surgery works for most babies. Laser surgery is recommended for one of two reasons in ROP. Type I ROP (acute, high-risk ROP): This is the stage of ROP where prompt treatment is required to...
Mar 9, 2023 | Consent Form
...of injection · The injection might not stop the ROP. · The ROP can come back. The baby may need another injection or laser surgery to treat the ROP. · The baby could lose vision or go blind. · When ROP is treated with laser surgery, the ophthalmologist knows in...
Mar 8, 2022 | Consent Form
...perform remote digital fundus imaging (RDFI-TM) to conduct ROP screening on my baby. _______________________________________ ______________________ Parent (or person authorized to sign for parent) Date [bookmark: _GoBack]Relationship to child if other than parent: _______________________________ Consent for ROP Remote Digital Fundus Imaging ExaminationThis form is intended as a sample. It does not...
Apr 1, 2022 | Recommendation
...2. The neonatologist instructs the hospital ROP coordinator (H-ROPC) to add the infant’s name and date of initial exam to the Master Hospital ROP Tracking List. 3. The H-ROPC contacts the office ROPC (O-ROPC) to schedule the initial exam. 4. The O-ROPC adds the infant to the Hospital ROP Tracking...
Apr 1, 2022 | Recommendation
...The hospital ROP coordinator (H-ROPC) AND b. The office ROP coordinator (O-ROPC) for each ophthalmologist or practice currently providing care. 4. [bookmark: ROP_tracking_list]There is only one Master Hospital ROP Tracking List of hospitalized infants who need ROP care, and it is kept by the H-ROPC, who sends a copy to...
Apr 1, 2022 | Recommendation
...ROP exams Table 4. When to treat ROP Table 5. When to stop ROP screening References This ROP Safety Net Toolkit addresses ROP care provided on an outpatient basis. It contains sample protocols, which may need to be customized, and refers to ROP clinical care guidelines. [bookmark: _GoBack][image: C:UsersrwidiDesktopRMR Banner.png]...
Jan 1, 2023 | Recommendation
...Risk Analysis Recommendations and Protocols: ROP Hospital Toolkit Treat at Hospital ROP Hospital Toolkit Transfer to Treat ROP Office Toolkit ROP Protocol and Recommendations for Telemedicine Sample forms and letters: ROP tracking list ROP discharge letter ROP outpatient screening letter ROP missed appointment letter ROP transfer to treat letter ROP...
Aug 15, 2018 | Recommendation
...on behalf of 21 infants with ROP. ROP claims are thus low frequency events ( 1 © 2024 Ophthalmic Mutual Insurance Company (A Risk Retention Group) ROP Safety Net: Risk Analysis OMIC policyholders who provide care must comply with the ROP Safety Net. OMIC’s ROP Safety Net is based on...
Mar 10, 2022 | Recommendation
...laser and anti-VEGF injection. To further reduce the risk and severity of ROP malpractice claims, OMIC conducts an underwriting review on a regular basis of all insured physicians who provide ROP care, and has mandated certain loss prevention actions that are summarized in “ROP conditions of coverage.” Treatment of ROP...
Jun 18, 2024 | Sample Protocol
...criteria to end ROP screening. 3. Treat Type 1 ROP within 72 hours, A-ROP within 48 hours. C. Hospital ROP coordinator (H-ROPC). The hospital where the images are taken employs or contracts with a H-ROP who: 1. Is familiar with and understands the Policy Statement1 and the JTR2 and the...
Apr 1, 2022 | Article
...the appropriateness of follow-up intervals. The H-ROPC tracks ROP appointments in the hospital and contacts the O-ROPC to schedule the first outpatient appointment. The O-ROPC tracks ROP appointments in the hospital, and schedules, tracks, and follows up on ROP appointments in the office. The tracking system must be: Updated every...
Jun 26, 2019 | Risk Management Bulletin
The American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Ophthalmology revised its Policy Statement (PS)1 on ROP screening late last year. We revised the clinical tables in our ROP Safety Net accordingly. Policy Statement Changes The key changes relate to follow-up and when to conclude ROP screening exams. They are shown in...
Apr 1, 2022 | Sample Letter or Form
...Next exam due: interval & date ROP status: Date, age Next exam due: interval & date ROP status: Date, age Next exam due: interval & date ROP status: Date, age Next exam due: interval & date ROP status: Date, age Next exam due: interval & date Treatment: Type and date...
May 9, 2022 | Risk Management Bulletin
The International Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity, Third Edition1 (ICROP3) was released last year. We revised the clinical tables and recommendations in our ROP Safety Net accordingly. ICROP3 changes updated in the OMIC Safety Net: The definition of aggressive ROP replaces aggressive-posterior ROP A continuous spectrum of vascular abnormality exists...
Aug 1, 2024 | Risk Management Bulletin
...status. Until such data become available, biosimilar drugs should NOT be used to treat ROP. Download OMIC’s revised consent for treating ROP with injection which reflects this update on the use of biosimilars. We would like to provide you with an update on the use of biosimilars to treat ROP....
Apr 1, 2022 | Sample Letter or Form
If the infant needs to be transferred to another hospital for non-ROP care, use this letter to notify parents of the importance of further ROP exams. Transfer for other care letter Ophthalmologist: Place on your letterhead. Revise the letter as needed if the infant will not return to the original...
Apr 1, 2022 | Sample Letter or Form
...see if treatment is needed. The next ROP exam should take place by _________________ (date) in _____ weeks. · _____Your baby’s blood vessels are abnormal but the baby does not need treatment right now. An ophthalmologist will examine the baby again to see if treatment is needed. The next ROP...
Apr 1, 2022 | Sample Letter or Form ROP exam should take place by _________________ (date) in _____ weeks. · Your baby’s blood vessels are abnormal but the baby does not need treatment right now. I will examine the baby again to see if treatment is needed. The next ROP exam should take place by_________________ (date) in...
Apr 1, 2022 | Sample Letter or Form
Follow up on all missed, cancelled, or rescheduled ROP appointments, including no-shows, and send this letter if unable to reach the parents to schedule the exam. Missed appointment letter This sample letter is provided as a guideline only and should be modified according to the situation. If the baby’s condition...
Apr 1, 2022 | Sample Letter or Form
Notify parents/caregivers that their baby is being transferred to another hospital for treatment of ROP. Letter to parent: Transfer to treat Ophthalmologist: Place on your letterhead Dear _________ I am an ophthalmologist (eye physician and surgeon). Your baby’s doctor asked me to examine the baby’s eyes. Your baby may have...
Sep 17, 2016 | Article
...ROP claims represent 55% of the total PED DE payments. The highest payment was made to settle one of the two glioma claims. OMIC did not make payments in the trauma, medical, or cornea claims, although a non-OMIC codefendant in the cornea claim settled. Standard of care evaluation of diagnostic...
Jan 20, 2025 | Recommendation
RISK ISSUE Patient noncompliance or nonadherence to treatment recommendations can result in patient safety concerns and potential liability risks for the physician and practice. If the patient is noncompliant, their care and medical outcome may be compromised, which may prompt them to blame the physician, resulting in malpractice suits or...
Jun 14, 2023 | Risk Management Bulletin
...Bevacizumab (Avastin®) biosimilars OMIC’s position is that they should not be used to treat ROP at this time.  b.  Ranibizumab (Lucentis®) biosimilars These are FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of multiple retinal diseases.  The experience with these compounds for the off-label treatment for ROP is limited, with recent small series studies showing potential...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are used...
Feb 12, 2020 | Consent Form
...a painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. [bookmark: _GoBack]Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy...
Aug 4, 2020 | Consent Form
...implant will substitute for eye drops for about 6 months of medication. Vision loss from ECL (and other possible complications) must be weighed against the benefit of this period of drop replacement. Some ophthalmologists may choose to implant DURYSTA more than one time per eye, despite the warnings. Per the...
Oct 29, 2014 | Article
Clinical research is closely tied to the practice of medicine, and many physicians either participate in studies as investigators or refer patients for enrollment. While traditionally research was linked to academic institutions, it is increasingly being conducted in the offices of physicians who may work directly with pharmaceutical companies or...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...a painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form causes a painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are used first. Often, multiple medications are needed to get the desired pressure level. · If medications and laser treatment do not work well enough, or if patients have trouble using eye drops because of cost, side effects, and other...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are used first. Often, multiple medications are needed to get the desired pressure level. · If medications and laser treatment do not work well enough, or if patients have trouble using eye drops because of cost, side effects, and other difficulties,...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...· Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are used first. Often, multiple medications are needed to get the desired pressure level. · If medications and laser treatment do not work well enough, or if patients have trouble using eye drops because of cost, side effects, and other difficulties, then...
Feb 12, 2020 | Consent Form
...drop medications or laser therapy are used first. Often, multiple medications are needed to get the desired pressure level. · If medications and laser treatment do not work well enough, or if patients have trouble using eye drops because of cost, side effects, and other difficulties, then glaucoma surgery is...
Feb 21, 2020 | Consent Form
...causes a painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · [bookmark: _GoBack]Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are used first. Often, multiple medications are needed to get the desired pressure level. · If medications and laser treatment do not work well enough, or if patients have trouble using eye drops because of...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...causes a painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy...
Oct 6, 2014 | Consent Form
...daily, this prescription eye drop increases production of the body’s own tears. 3. Surgical tear drainage closure – The punctum and canaliculus may be surgically occluded by thermal cautery (heat) or ligation (suture closure). These methods should be considered permanent. 4. No Treatment – I may choose to do nothing...
Oct 9, 2014 | Consent Form
...anesthetic drops, eye drop reaction or other factors. · I understand that there are risks associated with any surgery including this procedure. There may be risks and complications associated with this surgery that are unknown because this is a relatively new procedure. · I understand that there is a possibility...
Oct 29, 2014 | Case Study
...left. The patient was instructed to use an antibiotic drop as prophylaxis against infection. Two days later, the patient returned to the PSI complaining of a pressure ache in the right eye and decreased vision. The PSI noted CF vision and diagnosed endophthalmitis, which was treated with a vitreous tap...
Sep 12, 2024 | Case Study
...antiviral medications, for two weeks. Upon examination, the insured diagnosed antiviral toxicity with underlying stromal involvement. Lotemax, a steroid eye drop, was prescribed. The insured planned to taper the Viroptic. Upon examination, two days later, the lesion was unchanged. Five days later, the insured noted a raised area of the...
Oct 8, 2024 | Article
...handles an OMIC case, his or her knowledge base grows and the attorney becomes more effective in managing OMIC cases. OMIC has developed Ophthalmology Learning Modules for attorneys in several subspecialties, including cataracts, cornea, glaucoma, endophthalmitis, oculoplastics, vitreoretinal, ROP, and ophthalmic anesthesia. These modules and literature searches through the archives...
Apr 15, 2016 | Article
...of prematurity (ROP), these claims compose 47% of the retina payments. There were three age-related macular degeneration claims. The remaining nine claims alleged failure to diagnose retinitis, bilateral acute retinal necrosis (BARN), branch retinal artery occlusion (BRAO), foreign bodies, and a macular hole. Glaucoma claims. There were 27 claims alleging...
Nov 2, 2022 | Risk Management Bulletin regarding long-term efficacy and safety profiles. OMIC supports these statements and strongly recommends against the use of bevacizumab biosimilar drugs for intravitreal injection, as well as off-label use of all biosimilars for the treatment of ROP until further clinical data becomes available. Michael C. Tigani, MD An increasing number...
Aug 14, 2024 | Case Study
...iris and iris prolapse, which required iridectomy and placement of sutures in two separate corneal incisions. On postoperative day one, the insured documented that the patient reported pain the previous night, with blurry vision. The insured also documented swelling to and around the patient’s cornea. Postoperative drop instructions were reviewed...
Aug 14, 2024 | Case Study
...IOLs, and ophthalmologists are fortunate to have such an array to offer our patients. However, the process of cataract surgery and lens implantation presents a set of complicated decisions for the patient set against that backdrop of high expectations. The ophthalmologist, with his or her experience and knowledge, has the...
Aug 15, 2018 | Article
...but not significantly so. However, the highest payment for endophthalmitis was $900,000, substantially less than the $3,375,000 paid for an ROP case during this period. Factors Impacting Clinical Outcomes So how can we use this data to improve care and decrease the likelihood of a malpractice claim? Figure 2 shows...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...a painless loss of eyesight. In some cases, it can lead to blindness. Alternatives (choices and options). The best choices for glaucoma treatment are those that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are...
Feb 13, 2020 | Consent Form
...that lower the eye pressure with the fewest risks to the patient’s eyesight and overall health. · Usually eye drop medications or laser therapy are used first. Often, multiple medications are needed to get the desired pressure level. · If medications and laser treatment do not work well enough, or...