Course for Physicians: Illinois Society of Eye Physicians & Surgeons
Join OMIC at the 21st annual meeting of the Illinois Society of Eye Physicians and Surgeons (ISEPS). A physician session and an admin/tech session will be offered in the afternoon.
Lessons Learned from Glaucoma Claims Closing the Loop, Medical Record Amendments, and Co-management Guidance
OMIC Committee member, Kenya M. Williams, MD, and long-time OMIC Risk Manager, Hans K. Bruhn, MHS.
Additional Notes
OMIC insureds will earn a 5% Risk Management discount, applied upon renewal of their policy. Be sure to use your mobile phone to scan/capture the QR code the OMIC speakers will present during the OMIC session. Executive Director of ISEPS, Rich Paul, will also ask attendees to complete a CME claim form to capture attendance.