Best at defending ophthalmic claims.
More than 6,300 claims and suits have been defended by OMIC in the history of the company. Over 5,000 of those cases were closed without a payment.
OMIC historically settles 20% of the claims and suits that are reported, which is lower than the industry average. OMIC has successfully defended 90% of cases that were tried in front of a jury.
Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America:
- OMIC has a higher win rate taking tough cases to trial.
- A consent-to-settleOMIC will not settle any claim or lawsuit without your written permission. policy with no hammer clauseThis gives an insurer the right to settle a claim or lawsuit without the permission of the Insured. OMIC’s policy does not contain a hammer clause. Instead, the policy requires your permission for OMIC to settle a claim or suit..
- Access to world-renowned experts.
- An established panel of attorneys who specialize in ophthalmology litigation.
- Lower average claim payouts on ophthalmic claims versus multispecialty carriers.
- OMIC’s Senior Litigation Analysts each have 20+ years of claims-handling experience.