Risk Management

LIVE BLOG: 2012 ASCRS/ASOA Meeting in Chicago

UPDATE: A BIG thank you to the 200 attendees at OMIC’s risk management seminar Professional Liability Risks Associated with Premium IOL Implants yesterday! OMIC insureds earned an average of more than $1,100 in discounts for attending.

If you missed the event, there are still plenty of ways to earn your discount. See below for links to OMIC’s risk management seminar schedule and list of cooperative venture opportunities, and online and recorded courses.

We were delighted to see OMIC’s patient consent templates and other risk management resources referenced in the Ophthalmology Management article Avoiding 10 Common Malpractice Claims

See: http://www.ophthalmologymanagement.com/articleviewer.aspx?articleID=106880



If you are attending the ASCRS-ASOA annual meeting at the McCormick Place, please plan to visit the OMIC Insurance Center  at booth number 1423.

OMIC Risk Management Seminar:

Saturday, April 21, 2012 (Completed)

  • Professional Liability Risks Associated with Premium IOL Implants- Effective Management of Presbyopia-Correcting Patients
  • American Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgery 2012 (ASCRS)
  • McCormick Place West Convention Ceter, Chicago, IL
  • Time: 1:00-2:00 pm
  • Register with ASCRS at (800) 748-5064 or go to www.ascrs.org

This seminar qualifies for a risk management discount equal to either 5% (standard) or 10% (approved cooperative venture event*) of the insured physician’s premium.

*Insureds who are members of a cooperative venture society earn a 10% discount (a credit worth up to $3,000) by participating in an approved OMIC risk management activity, which may be either a live seminar or an online or recorded course.

For more information on OMIC’s educational alliances with ophthalmic societies offered through the Cooperative Venture Network go here. If your state or subspecialty society has the words “LIVE EVENT REQUIRED” then you must attend the OMIC seminar conducted at that organization’s annual meeting (or other approved event) in order to earn the discount. For any organization that has an OMIC CV but does not have those words, any OMIC risk management event qualifies and your attendance at the ASCRS event above will earn the 10% CV discount.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call Linda Nakamura at (800) 562-6642, ext. 652, or lnakamura@omic.com.

OMIC Insurance Center Exhibit:

See OMIC.com for resources related to issues in the news and discussed at this year’s ASCRS/ASOA course topics.

  • Analyses of Malpractice Claims Related to Premium IOLs. Read the Interesting Findings here.
  • Recommended Guidelines for Refractive Surgery here.
  • Corneal and Refractive Surgery Consent Forms here.

Also stop by to see us for:

  • On-site Premium Quote or Coverage Check-up
  • 2012 Policyholder Dividend Information
  • Risk Management Course Schedules and Discount Information
  • State and Subspecialty Educational Alliance Discounts
  • Patient Phone Call Record Pads
  • OMIC 25th Anniversary Pens and Chocolates!

If you’re not already an OMIC insured, complete this Quick Quote form and bring to the OMIC exhibit or send it to us now and we’ll have a proposal packet waiting for you at the meeting. Just a few minutes of your time may save you thousands of dollars.

We look forward to seeing you in Chicago!

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Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America.

Supporting your specialty.

OMIC was founded by members of the American Academy of Ophthalmology nearly a quarter century ago and is the only carrier sponsored and endorsed by AAO. OMIC is also endorsed by 54 other ophthalmic societies. The OMIC partnerships with state and subspecialty societies qualifies their members for an exclusive 10% premium credit. Contact your state society for details.