Browsing articles from "August, 2023"

AAO Virtual Journal Club webinar and will feature OMIC board member Dr. Guarav Shah

The Ophthalmology Virtual Journal Club is a new Academy member benefit featuring experts who will break down a published paper’s findings and implications. The quarterly live-streamed webinar will feature slides, curated feed of questions, and allow participants to post questions on the chat as well as a dedicated Q&A portion toward the end of the live stream.

The next webinar is set for October 12, 8:30-9:30 pm ET and will be featuring OMIC board member Dr. Guarav Shah. Two articles will be discussed including Timing of Delayed Retinal Pathology in Patients Presenting with Acute Posterior Vitreous Detachment in the IRIS® Registry (Intelligent Research in Sight) and Analysis of Posterior Vitreous Detachment and Development of Complications Using a Large Database of Retina Specialists.

A link to the October 12th webinar will be distributed prior to the event. You will need your Academy login to watch. Not a member? (Learn about the value of Academy membership:

The end of an era

Shortly after I began as your chair, our CEO for the past 21 years, Tim Padovese, announced that he would be retiring effective February of 2024. While not unexpected, the news is sad for OMIC but exciting for Tim and his fantastic wife, Karen, as this is well deserved. I wanted to highlight for our members Tim’s accomplishments as our CEO.

Read my entire message in the Digest.

OMIC engages with cyber coverage team at TMHCC to scan websites

Ransomware attacks have proliferated in recent years. With ophthalmology practices of all sizes increasingly using online file storage, smart phones, laptops, and tablets, they have become targets of cyber criminals. Not surprisingly, OMIC has identified a clear increase in the report of cyber claims.

Read more in Eye on OMIC in the Digest.

Support your ophthalmic society and reduce your OMIC premium

Visit OMIC’s website and sign into your MyOMIC profile to update your current active society memberships. OMIC has partnerships with most ophthalmic societies in the United States. Simply check the box of any societies you maintain a membership in at least 60 days prior to your renewal date for the discount to be automatically applied. A maximum of 5% in society partner discounts is available per policy year.

When you are diagnosing endophthalmitis, the sooner the better

Delay in diagnosis of endophthalmitis OS following bilateral strabismus surgery resulting in HM OS and phthisis bulbi in a 5-yearold child ends in settlement with plaintiff for $850k.

Read the case study in the Digest.


Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America.

Leader in the industry.

A-rated by AM Best, OMIC is consistently ranked among the top malpractice insurance companies in America for financial stability. No other carrier has matched OMIC's consistent financial performance with regard to both combined, operating, and surplus ratios, the most relevant financial measurements for an insurance carrier.