Browsing articles from "April, 2015"

YOs: We Want Your Feedback

image_Dr Fountain

TAMARA R. FOUNTAIN, MD, OMIC Board of Directors

The early years of practice are exciting, but they can also be overwhelming. As young ophthalmologists navigate a fast moving and changing healthcare landscape, we are here to help. We encourage YOs to call us with questions about insurance and risk management issues. We also want your feedback on how we’re doing. Think of this as your online “suggestion box” and leave a comment below. I will respond as soon as I’m able. Thank you!

Visit the YO News page for helpful hints, articles, and resources targeted specifically to younger ophthalmologists.

Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America.

Consistent return of premium.

Publicly-traded insurance companies exist to make profits for shareholders while physician-owned carriers often return profits to their policyholders. Don’t underestimate this benefit; it can add up to tens of thousands of dollars over the course of your career. OMIC has one of the most generous dividend programs for ophthalmologists and has returned more than $90 Million to our members through dividends.