Browsing articles from "May, 2012"

Terminating the Physician-Patient Relationship for Financial Reasons

Termination of Care for Financial Reasons  provides guidance on how to evaluate the reasons for non-payment and the steps needed to terminate the relationship if deemed necessary. It also provides sample forms for termination for non-payment, and confirmation that the patient chooses to stop treatment for financial reasons.

 Click on either the name of the document or the “Download” button to access the document.

Terminating the Physician-Patient Relationship

Ophthalmologists frequently have questions about terminating the physician-patient relationship. Using the sample letters and guidelines provided in   this document will help minimize the risk of patient harm and of allegations of patient abandonment. OMIC policyholders may contact our confidential Risk Management Hotline for assistance by emailing us at or calling 800-562-6642, option 4.

Following the advice in Terminating the Physician-Patient Relationship can help minimize the risk of patient harm, and reduce the likelihood of allegations of patient abandonment.

Click on the name of the document or the “Recommendations” button to download the document. There are several sample letters at the end.



Noncompliance: A Frequent Prelude to Malpractice Lawsuits

Noncompliance: A Frequent Prelude to Malpractice Lawsuits  

Patients who do not show up for appointments or follow treatment recommendations represent a significant professional liability risk for ophthalmologists. This noncompliance toolkit  discusses the issues and provides sample letters.


Handling the Disruptive or Dangerous Patient

Providing care that improves a patient’s quality of life leads to many very rewarding patient physician relationships. However, the unfortunate reality is that ophthalmologists and their staff sometimes need to deal with very angry and sometimes violent patients.

See the sample Policy and Procedure for Disruptive or Dangerous Patient below to educate and protect staff and others from patients who behave in a disruptive or threatening manner.

OCB Policy to Handle Disruptive Patients

Employees: Providing Medical Care, Services, or Products

Physicians may treat their employees. There are patient safety and professional liability risks, however, if the physician does not provide medical care and services to employee patients in the same manner as any other patient.

See Providing Medical Care to Employees for guidance on the risks and how to avoid them.


Six reasons OMIC is the best choice for ophthalmologists in America.

Largest insurer in the U.S.

OMIC is the largest insurer of ophthalmologists in the United States and we've been the only physician-owned carrier to continuously offer coverage in all states since 1987. Our fully portable policy can be taken with you wherever you practice. Should you move to a new state or territory, you're covered without the cost or headache of applying for new coverage.